Monday, November 23, 2015

Secret Malware for Android devices.

          Android has millions of users across globe and very popular thus serves as a main target for the attackers. Many malwares has been targeted towards Android. Recently a new malware with new features has been detected.

         Malwares actually request user permission and if granted they will start affecting but this new malware will start its action even if the user reject the installation of the malware.

         Security Researcher at #Lookout detected three malwares and they are

1. #Shedun (#GhosPush)
2. #Kemoge (#ShiftyBug)
3. #Shuanet

        These three belongs to a Adware family and they root the victim's mobile so that the attacker can gain full access to the device that is infected.

        Among them #Shedun is more deadly because it doesnot exploit any vulnerability in the device and uses the legitimate funtionality of the device to make malicious activities.

        Victim is tricked to allow access to #Android Accessibility service by which a user can interact with the device in other ways.

        After gaining access to the system the attacker can

Read the text messages that displays on the screen
Install any application
Scroll through Permission list
Press install button for any app without the physical interaction of the user

       The adware masquerade itself in the Google Play store and waiting for users to install the corresponding application. Since the adware roots the device it is not easy to remove them other than to reset the device to factory reset.

      Rooting the device also voids the warranty for the device and users should be careful in dealing with third party apps from any untrusted sources.

P.S: The post is to create awareness and not to be misused.

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