Heard of Marauder's Map from Harry Potter movie ? Those who don't know it is the map that shows the location of others based on their footprint. Recently an extension has been developed by a student developer that reveals the location of their friends in the map.
A student developer from Cambridge has created a chrome extension that can be used to reveal the footstep of your Facebook friends by grabbing location data from Facebook Messenger and plot that on the map.
It is rightly said that the most deadly attack vector is the user. Users are the one who are providing permission to access the data that are available in the phone, then there is no point of blaming others.
Facebook Messenger has an option that helps the user to share the location of the user the extension works by getting that data and plot them in the map.
This extension will work and plot the location for those instances when you have had a conversation with your friends over messenger with location enabled.
Facebook can not be blamed as it is the user option to share the location to Messenger and the accuracy depends on the location data available and if you don't want to share the location with your friends the user can disable the feature by disabling the Messenger's location access altogether.
This chrome extension is known as Marauder's map and is available in chrome store and it can also be downloaded from here.
P.S : The post is to create awareness and not to be misused.
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