Apple has a major share in mobile market with their powerful operating system IOS. There has been emerging trend of crashing the applications by using many unicode characters. Recently a technique has been discovered that can crash the Iphone.
Few weeks earlier Google Chrome, Safari has encountered the same that if they encounter a special unicode characters then it will cause the application to crash. The characters can be in comment posted in a forum.
Recently another set of unicode characters has been discovered that can crash any Iphone just by sending a simple text message. If an attacker sends a text message, if the phone renders the message the phone's message app will be crashed or it makes the phone to reboot without notice.
The worst case is that sometimes the mobile reboot twice and the user may not be able to view the message app until the unicode message has been removed.
It is an arab language characters but it is a unicode characters that causes such a malicious activity. It happens when the phone app renders the message and when the unicode causes the phone to hang as an immediate rescue method the phone will reboot.
Many users are using the unicode characters to play with their friends and causing their phone to crash or reboot.
The ways to escape from the crash is that it can be undone by sending a message to the person who sent the unicode cancelling the initial strand. Another option is to send the person a message using share sheet by simply presenting the "Share" button in other apps or use Siri to send a message to the person.
The character is available but since many users are using Iphone it can not be revealed here.
P.S : The post is to create awareness and not to be misused. The author of this post is not responsible for any damage done by the readers.
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