Thursday, March 31, 2016

Gmail new privacy features.

               There has been millions of users across globe using Gmail feature and Google is constantly adding new features to its mail service. Recently there has been 5 new features added to Gmail service.

                1. End to End Encryption:

                           End to end encryption is one such awesome feature and it prevents the Man in the Middle attack and of course it exists before itself but now they are offering it through their Chrome Extension and PGP is one such feature many uses but it may seems to be tedious for some beginners and so they rolled out a chrome extension to support end to end encryption

                 2. New Red Padlock Icon:

                            If you have used Gmail frequently recently you could have noticed a padlock icon red colour in the message you received. It notifies that the mail has been sent through insecure channel and the message can be viewed by any middle man. The locked icon signifies it came in secure channel.

                 3. Alert for State Sponsored Hacking:

                            If you are a criminal or doing any unethical activity your activity may be monitored and in that case state can try to hack your account and it is stated that around 1 million Gmail account has been targeted. Gmail new feature will notify you if your account is targeted by state sponsored hackers.

                4. SMTP STS:

                             It is now to move to strict security and there is no counter clarification with security these days. We moved to HTTPS Strict Transport Layer Security and now SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) has been moved to SMTP Strict Transport Security SMTP STS to avoid MitM attacks.

                  5. Google Safe Browsing:

                             Google Safe Browsing is an feature that checks the website for any malicious content before they are being loaded and any user can visit the site and copy paste the URL suspected there and it will give you the result whether to trust it or not.

                 These are the new features and Facebook recently rolled out new features and it is very evident that all the giants are moving towards to end to end encryption as security is one such pressing issue now.

P.S: The post is to create awareness and not to create any negative impact.

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