Friday, September 18, 2015

iOS 9 new features.

             Apple rolled out it's new mobile operating system for mobiles under the name iOS 9 on September 16 2015 and millions of users has upgraded their devices. There are many features that can be made to maintain privacy.

              Apple iOS 9 allows the users to have 6 digit passcode instead of traditional 4 digit passcode. Of course in old iOS 4 digit passcode can be replaced by complex passcode default one is 4 digits and now it is 6 digit passcode in default.

               Apple as usual warns the user each time the app uses the location services and it is common to share the location with the map app and any app that needs location but why app like facebook needs the location. Users can disable the location service for this type of app to maintain privacy.

                Apple also has a feature that allows the device to keep the data encrypted with Keychain that can be configured with the master password. Passcode will encrypt the data and in addition to that the keychain will provide additional security.

                 Another feature is that using #DuckDuckGo search engine. Google and other search engine are accused of saving users search related data. Users are recommended to use this DuckDuckGo search engine in Safari to evade tracing that are being made by service providers.

                 In addition to these features Apple also allows many settings that maintain privacy of the users and they also stated that the battery life will be increased and now will last more than one hour than existing.

                Of course the Jailbreaking tool has been developed but the users are recommended not to do that since it voids warranty and make the device vulnerable. 

P.S : The post is to create awareness and not to create any negative impact.

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