Monday, May 18, 2015

United Airlines Bug Bounty Program.

            A security researcher was pulled out of the United Airlines flight for some weird reasons. He admitted to Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) that he had hacked into the airplane and taken complete control of an airplane.

            Chris Roberts, the founder of One World Labs was detained and questioned by following his tweet in which he stated that he had taken control of an airplane. He admitted that it is not only once he repeatedly hacked into the airplane control system.

            He did the hack while he was on board. According to the document Roberts connected his laptop to plane's IFE system via a modified Ethernet Cable allowing him to access other airplane systems.

            During a flight , he hacked into the system and overwritten the code on the airplane's Thrust Management Computer and controlled the climb command. Due to the issue of climb command from him resulting in a lateral or sideways movement of the plane.

            Roberts claimed that he had only watched data traffic on airplanes and he has only attempted the hack in a simulated environment because he believed that such hack attacks were possible.

            There has been no harm recorded till and he has been neither arrested by the FBI nor charged with any crime.

            Due to this incident, United Airlines has launched a bug bounty program inviting security researchers and bug hunters to report vulnerabilities in its websites, apps and web portals.

P.S : The post is to create awareness and not to create any negative impact.

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