Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Whatsapp PLUS - A Fake Whatsapp App.

        Whatsapp is one of the famous messaging services that has been used by millions of users across globe and is owned by Facebook. Recently there is a rumor that Whatsapp is working on advanced version of whatsapp and it is named as Whatsapp PLUS. Whatsapp denied the news saying that it is not working on any project named as #Whatsapp PLUS.

          Whatspp PLUS is a third party messaging application and has nothing to do with original Facebook owned Whatsapp. It is not believed that Whatsapp PLUS have a safe source code that can secure the users who are using it. Whatsapp PLUS provides additional features like

1. Seeing last seen of others even when you blocked yours.
2. 700 new themes
3. Advanced file sharing option.
4. Options to edit font and colours.
5. New emojis and many more.

           Whatsapp PLUS is also available in Play store for download and many advanced users prefer this due to the many features that it has. But recently few days before the original Whatsapp blocked it users stating that they have installed a third party non reliable application.

            They have blocked the user for a time period of 24 hours and stated in its FAQ page that "You have installed a new third party application named Whatsapp PLUS or WhatsAppMD. It is against the Whatsapp license agreement". Thus they are redirected to the official app store to download the original Whatsapp application.

              They also stated that the source code of the Whatsapp PLUS does not seem to be secure and they claim that they could have sent the private messages and documents without the authorization of the user. It is highly recommended for the users by Whatsapp not to install such a third party application named similar to Whatsapp since they are not original application from Whatsapp.

P.S : The post is to create awareness and not to create any negative impact.


  1. useful information prakatheesh. Do spread the info as much as u can
