Wednesday, August 2, 2017

Blue Whale - A Game

            In this cyber world, everyday there is a sensational news. Ransomware, Malware, Data Leak, Company Hack and so on. Today there is a most sensational news came up that is related to Cyber bullying. Cyber bullying is the mechanism of targeting one through social media or computer and make them feel depressed or giving mental torture. The news that came today is just about a game. Yea its just a game.

            The game is actually like a dare game, you will be given with tasks to complete and send proof to your assigned curator. 50 tasks, 50 days thats it. The last task that is 50th task is KILL YOURSELF. It is real that many committed suicide, a teenager from Mumbai committed suicide who is a school going boy.

             The game is #Bluewhale and it has been there since 2013 hosted in Russian social networking site. It is an app now one can download the app to play, first the app will throw you a warning "Do you really want to play? If you start, there is no going back". If the player replies YES then a link will be sent upon clicking a new curator will be assigned. Tasks will start coming everyday. Initial tasks are acceptable but as moving ahead the tasks are like

Cut your lips.
Hurt you and make yourself sick.
Cut your body at various places.
Last but not least 50th task - Kill yourself by jumping from building or going under train like that.

              Ok what if the player is not accepting the tasks, he / she will be given a warning "All your information are with us we will kill your family members" Its like a blackmail from that point and initial term is that you should not disclose about this game to anyone.

              According to many sources, the link sent by them during curator assigning is a malware link and collecting data from the mobile and also it is a spyware that track victim activities.

              Many posted blood pictures, hand cut, lip cut and many more. After the guy suicide in Mumbai it has become a serious issue and need to be addressed. Instagram restricting viewing of hashtag #bluewhale and #blue_whale by showing a warning "It may contain irrelevant post" and also there is a override button by which you can view the posts anyway if you wish.

               The below screenshot consists of few sample tasks

                     Nearly 130 people committed suicide till date as per many sources and users are requested not to play the game or to download the app that may cause damage to user directly.

P.S: The post is to create awareness only and author of this post is not responsible for any damage if occurred. Be cautious and never ever try to play the game out of curiosity.

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