Few days back there has been a bang with the famous application #WhatsApp with their default #End to End Encryption ploicy for billion of users. Many assumed that they are now provided with privacy, but here comes the twist. Recently a journalist posted a picture in twitter that explains the encryption policy.
WhatsApp's license agreement states that the End to End Encryption has been enabled by default to all the users. According to the policy, no third party even the app workers can't see what message has been transmitted between two or more entities.
According to the working of WhatsApp, no data will be stored in the server and there are only two copies maintained at both ends(Sender and Receiver), if the both entities deletes the message it leaves no trace what message has been transmitted.
Now they have stated that they are maintaining some information such as sender detail, receiver detail, timestamp of the message. Even after the implementation of End to End Encryption, they are storing these details in their servers.
The picture posted by a guy in twitter is as shown below
This shows that WhatsApp is not encrypting all the data and they are maintaining some details about the messages transmitted. In order to go for complete encryption, one can use #Signal application which is the application behind the WhatsApp's encryption policy, Open Whisper Systems.
There are also other applications that provide complete encryption such as Telegram (In secret chat), protonmail (For mail).
P.S: The post is to create awareness and not to create any negative impact.
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