Monday, January 11, 2016

BangStresser - A Historic DDoS tool if proved.

             One of the main reason for the cyber attack is to make financial loss and also the business reputation loss. This can be very well accomplished by the Denial of Service (DoS) attack. Recently a large scale DDoS (Distributed Denial of Service) attack has been recorded.

               Last week Donald Trump website has been taken down and now it has been the BBC's website which has been taken down by the hackers and it is one of the major DDoS attack ever made.

               BBC stated it as Maintainence time but the group calling themselves #New World Hacking claims responsibility for the downtime of the BBC website and the hack last week on Donald Trump website.

               A person belonging to the same group under the name #Ownz has stated that they has a tool named #BangStresset which is capable to performing a DDoS attack of about 602 Gbps.

               Although the screenshots posted by the user has been yet been proved authentic and if proved it could be the historic attack and highest rate of DDoS attack ever made.

                They also posted that they have bypassed two Amazon Web Services server for this purpose and all the statement has not yet been proved and if proved it will be worst DDoS ever.

                  They also stated that their aim was to take ISIS propaganda down.

P.S: The post is to create awareness and not to create any negative impact.

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