Thursday, December 10, 2015

100 Million times faster computer.

          There has been many researches carried out in the field of #Quantum computing to reduce the time taken for the traditional PC to give a solution for any complex calculations. Recently #Google has developed a computer that was much faster than the traditional computer.

           The main idea behind the #Quantum computing is that instead of bits (0 or 1) used to represent data #Qubits can be used to represent 0 or 1 or both at the same time. This will significantly reduce the computing time and also increases the accuracy of result.

           The Mountain View giant #Google with NASA has developed a #D-Wave 2X Quantum computer that can solve the complex problems at very high speed and accuracy.

            Google Quantum AI team released the results of the Quantum computer result and is that Quantum computers are 100 million times faster than the traditional PC in producing complex problem result.

             They take the point of parallel processing that allows faster computational power than the traditional PC with a single core processor. The system was in initial research state and the commercial product will be out in near decades.

             They have also published a pdf which states the functionalities of the Quantum computer and it can be found here.

P.S : The post is to create awareness and not to create any negative impact.

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