Windows 10 has been accused for many features that violates user's privacy and now another feature has been revealed that is more scary than the others. Recently Windows 10's keylogger feature has been made public.
Everyone while installing Windows will go through Express setting to finish the installation quickly or to save time according to their perspective. This may leave some of the features that are not liked by many users.
One such feature is similar to that of #Keylogger in Windows 10. Let's take a look at the keylogger. Keylogger is a malware that actually records all the keystrokes that are being made by the users and will send them to the attackers.
Windows 10 has such kind of feature as in-built and it is left enabled by default when you opted Express setting while Windows 10 installation. However according to many sources it is more than a Keylogger.
#Windows feature records all the keystrokes you made and the word you speak with Cortana, a digital assistant and also the thing you write using stylus or any other material on the screen.
They are collecting all the things as stated above and send it to Microsoft for further comfort of the user as stated by Microsoft. Many if went with Express setting then you are being watched.
If you want to disable this feature Go to Setting --> Privacy setting. Under that Select General --> Send Microsoft Info about how I write to help us improve typing and speaking in future disable it.
And then go to Speech, Inking and Typing and select "Stop getting to Know me" option. This will disable the feature that collects keystrokes and speech and even writing.
P.S : The post is to create awareness and not to create any negative impact.
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