Friday, August 14, 2015

Windows 10 won't stop spying even if disabled.

              Windows 10 came up with the bang with millions of users upgrading and there has been many issues that were being discussed. Recently another feature has been revealed that never stops spying the users.

               Many companies uses some features to collect data from the users and as regarding to Windows 10 the spying has been done by two main features available.

                They are #Cortona and #Bing search. Cortona is the voice assistant which was built like Siri owned by Apple but Cortona sends the data to the Microsoft servers periodically.

                 The another feature that offers spying facility is the Bing search which sends the search data that are being searched through the start screen to the server of Microsoft.

                  The crazy fact is that it won't stop sending the data even the user disabled the feature. The tiles that are preinstalled in Windows 10 will install by themselves if the user deleted them.

                  The main shocking fact is that for the communication they uses Unencrypted HTTP protocol for the data exchange. This may be used by an attacker for any malicious purpose.

                   Microsoft responded that they are collecting the data only for the retrieval of updates easier. They also added that Windows is communicating as per the user selected privacy settings.

P.S : The post is to create awareness and not to create any negative impact.

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