Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Hacking Computer with Images - Stegosploit.

          Hacking computers is increasing day by day and everyday a new technique has been found. Hacking computer is done for many reasons, one of them is damage. Recently a technique has been found for hacking a computer.

          Hacking a computer needs a code which is referred to as exploit code and needed a payload that has to be sent to the target computer. There has been many techniques such as phishing, email and also can be sent through a pdf file or a common executable file.

           Recently an Indian Security Researcher found a technique that can be used to hack a computer using an image as a payload. Hiding a text inside an image is known as #Steganography, but hiding an exploit inside an image is known as #Stegasploit.

           Image is a collection of pixels and using that pixel the text can be transferred to evade the technique of eavesdropping or sniffing. Steganography has been used in many areas including cyber terrorism to maintain the secrecy.

           Now an exploit code which is commonly known as malicious code can be inserted into the pixels of the image and it can be encoded and sent to the target. If the user clicks on the image then the HTML 5 Canvas Element will decode the code and it will be executed.

            When the code has been executed then the malicious action can be carried out. The advantages of using this technique is that it can not be discovered by weak antivirus or any other weak security parameters.

             This new technique can be used to insert a payload into any system using an image. Users should be aware from now on when clicking an image that has been sent from any unknown source or unknown person.

              #Stegasploit is a new technique that can be used to hack any computer in near future. Care should be taken before clicking on any image that has been sent.

P.S : The post is to create awareness and not to be misused.

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