WhatsApp is used by almost all the smartphone owners and there are options available in WhatsApp to preserve their privacy policies. Recently a tool developed by a person tracks all the WhatsApp users even when they turned all the tracking options to off.
WhatsApp allows their users to maintain their privacy by altering options such as
1. Edit Last Seen.
2. Profile Picture
3. Status.
But the tool by Maikel.pro claims that it can evade any privacy option and track the user on the following things
1. Online / Offline status.
2. Profile Pictures.
3. Privacy Settings.
4. Status Messages.
This tool is provided with a simple GUI to view the timeline of the user or even compare it to another tracked user. The tool is named as #WhatsSpy. #WhatsSpy can virtually track any user. The Requirements for the running of the tool are
1. Secondary WhatsApp Account
2. Rooted or Jailbroken Android or Apple phone ( ROOTING
3. Server / RPi that runs 24/7.
4. Nginx or Apache with PHP with PDO
5. Postgresql.
Users who are interested upon agreeing to the above requirements can follow the link to install and start using the Application.
WARNING : The project is launched under license ( CC-BY-NC ) and if anyone violates the law is liable to his / her own work / damage done. The author of the post is not responsible for any damage occurred by running the tool.
P.S : The post is to create awareness and not to be misused.
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